Residential Status - Am I Resident or Non-Resident
Being an Indian
citizen but living in foreign, do I need to pay my taxes in India?
Or being a foreign
citizen but earning income from India, when am I liable to pay taxes in India?
Non-understanding of
correct residential status creates a high buzz for persons residing outside
India or the persons visiting foreign for most of the year. They remain confuse
whether taxes are to be paid in India and quantum of such taxes, provisions if
income is earned in India or outside India etc. As the saying goes in Income
Tax: 'An Indian Citizen may not be resident Indian, but A Foreign Citizen may
be resident Indian.' So by today's blog, we wish to make you understand the
concept of residential status and how it affects tax levy.
Residential status
constitutes of two main categories - Resident or Non - resident.
Who is Resident in
Upon fulfilling 'ANY
ONE' of the following two conditions (known as basic conditions), the person is
said to be resident in India for the concerned Financial Year.
The conditions are:
Person has stayed in India for 182 days or more during the concerned F.Y.; or
Person has stayed for 60 days or more during the concerned F.Y. and a total of
365 days or more during 4 years immediately prior to concerned F.Y. Exceptional
case The 2nd condition mentioned above (60 days & 365 days) doesn't apply
in case of An Indian citizen who has left India for the purpose of employment
in foreign, or An Indian Citizen or person of Indian origin who comes to visit
India. Thus in these cases, if person stays in India for a period of 182 days
or more in the concerned F.Y., he is said to be Resident in India.
Who is Non-Resident
(NR) in India?
If 'NONE' of the above
mentioned conditions is fulfilled, then person is to be Non-resident in India.
Difference between Ordinarily Resident (OR) and Not-Ordinarily Resident (NOR)
After deciding if a person is resident in India, next comes the question of
deciding whether he is an Ordinarily Resident or Not-Ordinarily Resident. Upon
fulfilling 'ANY ONE' of the following conditions (known as additional
conditions), person is said to be Not Ordinarily Resident (NOR) in India:
He has
been Non-Resident Indian in any 9 out of 10 years immediately preceding the
concerned F.Y.; or
ii. He has
been in India for 729 days or less in 7 years immediately preceding the
concerned F.Y. If 'NONE' of the above conditions are fulfilled, then person is
said to be Ordinarily Resident (OR) in India for the said F.Y.[D1]
How income is taxed according to different residential status?
Particulars Levy of Tax (Yes/ No) Ordinarily Resident Not-Ordinarily Resident
Non-Resident Income received or deemed to be received in India Yes Yes Yes
Income accrued or deemed to be accrued in India Yes Yes Yes Income accruing
outside India Yes No No Mark a note of these points:
1. Income received outside India, but subsequently remitted to India
doesn't amount to receiving of income in India. 1st receipt is important for
2. While counting period of stay, continuous stay or stay at a
particular location in India doesn't matter;
3. Person of Indian origin means a person who himself, either of his
parents or either of his grandparents (both paternal and maternal) were born in
Undivided India. 4. While computing the period of stay in India, both the day
of entering in India and the day of leaving India shall be counted in
period of stay in India. Practical examples to understand the concept better:
Case 1:
Bill Gates, owner of Microsoft comes to India for 100 days every year.
What shall be his residential status for A.Y. 2016-17 (F.Y. 2015-16)?
Solution: Bill Gates' residential status shall be determined in 2 steps:
Step 1: Total stay of Bill Gates in last 4 years preceding 2015-16
(Concerned F.Y.) is 400 days (i.e. 100 * 4) and his stay in F.Y. 2015-16 is 100
days. Therefore, since he has satisfied 2nd condition of the basic conditions,
he is a resident in India.
Step 2: His total stay in India in last 7 years preceding F.Y. 2015-16
is 700 days (i.e. 100 * 7), he satisfies the 2nd condition of the
additional conditions, hence he is Not-Ordinarily Resident (NOR) in India.
Thus, for AY 2016-17, Bill Gates shall be resident but Not Ordinarily Resident
Case 2:
Sachin, an Indian citizen, leaves India on 22nd September 2015 for the
first time, to work as an employee of a company in America.
What shall be his
residential status for A.Y. 2016-17 (F.Y. 2015-16)?
During the
F.Y. 2015-16, Sachin was in India for 175 days i.e. 30 (April) + 31 (May) + 30
(June) + 31 (July) + 31 (August) + 22 (September). Since he is leaving India
for purpose of employment, hence 2nd condition of basic condition shall not be
applicable for him. He doesn't fulfill the 1st condition of basic conditions
also. Hence he shall be Non-Resident in India for F.Y. 2015-16. If you still
find difficulties in determining residential status or have problems related to
tax levy in any of the residential status, feel free to reach us. We are
working hard so that you can live a tax-tensions-free life.
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